More Music

Space/Time Phenomena – Live (CD)

This unique compilation of songs, ancient chants and poetry was recorded live from two concerts - the Presidio Chapel in San Francisco and St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Berkeley. The material is rich with emotions, ideas, beautiful music, spiritual connections and wonderfully delightful moments. If you’ve never been to a Space/Time Phenomena concert, enjoy it now. This CD will take you into the presence and joy of Lisa’s music as it was performed in collaboration with two other extraordinary, multi-talented musicians - world renowned Didgeridu master, Stephen Kent, and the late recording artist and percussionist, Geoffrey Gordon.

CD - $15.00 plus shipping & handling

Email us directly to Buy the CD


It Began in Kathmandu

The story of Lisa’s life-changing journey in Nepal in poetry and photographs.

".... The beauty of the poetry does not in any way hide or diminish the assault on the senses, but rather shares the experience with conciseness and directness. Lisa Rafel is a poet who has found a way to share her journey with us and this book should be read by all of us, even those who totally dismiss "spiritual" matters, because of the beauty and power of the poems."
- Hubert Selby, Jr.
author of Last Exit To Brooklyn

$85.00 plus shipping & handling

Take advantage of this special pricing. Limited supply available.
Click here to email us directly for inquiries or to purchase.
You may also order direct from us via PAY PAL - Purchase on Paypal to via Friends and Family.   

Don't miss Lisa's recorded Podcast with Gail Hayssen

Gail Hayssen is the writer, storyteller and shaman initiated in the mongolian Buriat tradition who inspired Lisa to present in Mongolia. Listen in as Lisa describes her spiritual journey from television actress, playwright and performance poet to sound healer, author and teacher. 

 Here is their lively conversation: A Small Medium at Large

CD's & Cassettes

Soul Songs of the Labyrinth (CD)
Beautiful, haunting, provocative, mysterious, healing, and embracing, these chants are unlike anything you've ever heard before. Lisa's ancient melodies include harmonic overtones and are combined with crystal bowls and Tibetan bells. Recorded live as people walked the Labyrinth in Grace Cathedral, (San Francisco, CA) the music will lead you on a timeless journey into the center of the Labyrinth. This CD can be used for all types of meditation and movement practices

Ancient Prayers of Alia (CD)
These powerful and evocative healing chants resonate an experience of ancient language within the body. They activate specific frequencies for the lower and higher level chakras. These sounds place you into a profound space of love and strength, and supports the work of healers, therapists, and body workers to create a vibrational field that encourages well being.

Space/Time Phenomena – Live (CD)
This unique compilation of songs, ancient chants and poetry was recorded live from two concerts - the Presidio Chapel in San Francisco and St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Berkeley. The material is rich with emotions, ideas, beautiful music, spiritual connections and wonderfully delightful moments. If you’ve never been to a Space/Time Phenomena concert, enjoy it now. This CD will take you into the presence and joy of Lisa’s music as it was performed in collaboration with two other extraordinary, multi-talented musicians - world renowned Didgeridu master, Stephen Kent, and recording artist and percussionist, Geoffrey Gordon.

Concert at the Presidio Chapel with Lisa and Friends (Cassette)
Poetry, Song, Storytelling, and Ancient Chants. Feel re-awakened to the miracle of life. You'll be laughing, and humming to your bones. With special guest.

Lecture: Sacred Sound – Helping the Psychic Self to Emerge (Cassette)
The awareness of our subtle mind is an important tool in our evolution. This talk opens the door to the exploration of the psychic self. Healing chants are included to deepen the experience. Recorded live at the Metaphysical Center of New Jersey.


Soul Songs of the Labyrinth (CD)

Beautiful, haunting, provocative, mysterious, healing, and embracing, these chants are unlike anything you've ever heard before. Lisa's ancient melodies include harmonic overtones and are combined with crystal bowls and Tibetan bells. Recorded live as people walked the Labyrinth in Grace Cathedral, (San Francisco, CA) the music will lead you on a timeless journey into the center of the Labyrinth. This CD can be used for all types of meditation and movement practices.

CD - $15.00 plus shipping & handling

Email us directly to Buy the CD


Ancient Prayers of Alia (CD)

These powerful and evocative healing chants resonate an experience of ancient language within the body. They activate specific frequencies for the lower and higher level chakras. These sounds place you into a profound space of love and strength, and supports the work of healers, therapists, and body workers to create a vibrational field that encourages well being.

CD - $15.00 plus shipping & handling

Email us directly to Buy the CD