Lisa is an expert in the use of voice, music and Vocal Sound Healing™ as key pathways into self-knowledge. Lisa's company, Resonant Sounds, LLC creates Social Impact Theaer projects, and products for parents and their babies.

Lisa offers classes to help you achieve your goals. All teaching programs include working with sound.

•Self Empowerment
Vocal Sound Healing™
• Utilizing Positive Intention Music™
•The Five Worlds

Don't miss Lisa's recorded Podcast with Gail Hayssen

Gail Hayssen is the writer, storyteller and shaman initiated in the mongolian Buriat tradition who inspired Lisa to present in Mongolia. Listen in as Lisa describes her spiritual journey from television actress, playwright and performance poet to sound healer, author and teacher. 

 Here is their lively conversation: A Small Medium at Large




The Stones

The ranger said they had been buried.
Erosion had clawed, scratched and washed
The dirt away until they were revealed.
But, I think they were placed there long ago
By Gods who had kept them in their pockets
Until they could not help themselves
But to put them on the earth
Like jewels.
Humans have adorned themselves for thousands of years,
Why not she who birthed us?
Earth freed us out of single space.  
She cracked the sky with a needle, made a spark,
Then brought it to the Gods, in her tender hands.
She said, “Show the souls.
Give them a place.
Tell them to come here.”
Sitting amongst small and giant boulders perched upon each other
Like thoughts jumbled together that somehow find form,
I see her stones laced into patterns
Of necklaces and bracelets, rich with secrets.
Her light calls to those who long to touch God.  
Come to your mother.
Caress her form.
Breathe. Feel. Sleep. Dream.
Come wake your heart in its deepest places.
Remember how beauty sings
In the day, the night,
The sound, the silence.

© 2010 Lisa Rafel
Inspired by Joshua Tree, California

References (5)

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  • Response
    Response: my review here
    Neat page, Continue the useful work. thnx!
  • Response
    This Pouch Variant of indie mega-mavin Minecraft was purchased a astounding 5711 times across the iOS and Humanoid software stores in 2012.
  • Response
    Lisa Rafel - Poems - The Stones
  • Response
    Response: xpertwriters
    I would place life instead of beauty in the last stanza. Other than that, the poem is really inspirational. It speaks volumes whilst having very few lines.
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    With us, you will never miss your deadline and will be willing to submit a perfect paper to you. Do not waste a minute and place your order at our website.

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