Lisa is an expert in the use of voice, music and Vocal Sound Healing™ as key pathways into self-knowledge. Lisa's company, Resonant Sounds, LLC creates Social Impact Theaer projects, and products for parents and their babies.

Lisa offers classes to help you achieve your goals. All teaching programs include working with sound.

•Self Empowerment
Vocal Sound Healing™
• Utilizing Positive Intention Music™
•The Five Worlds

Don't miss Lisa's recorded Podcast with Gail Hayssen

Gail Hayssen is the writer, storyteller and shaman initiated in the mongolian Buriat tradition who inspired Lisa to present in Mongolia. Listen in as Lisa describes her spiritual journey from television actress, playwright and performance poet to sound healer, author and teacher. 

 Here is their lively conversation: A Small Medium at Large




When In Doubt... 

Stand in a place where your feet touch the ground.
Raise your eyes to the sky, feel the stars shining down.
They’re there day and night, light pulsing in waves
Touching everything moveable, everything staid.
When time has no end, your mind is not bound.
Break the past with your breath - wake your soul with your sound.
Arise with your voice, use body and will.
Ideas will engage when the chatter is stilled.
Your compass is truth, an arrow you aim,
A magnet, electric, that tingles your name.
Your heart holds the key – its strength is your test
The source of your love, resides in your chest.
A shield or a sword, it shines any hour.
Feel this muscle of resource, an engine of power.
Become like a rod. Fuse heaven and earth.
From your head to your feet - be a source of re-birth.
Look into heaven embracing the sky.
Forget about questions or wondering why.
Extending your arms, reach out to the end -
Hear the songs in the wind - let the silence begin.
Trust is a-waiting - it comes from belief.
Sustained by your love, let it offer relief.
What trust inspires, becomes who we are -
In moments of doubt, it can shine like the stars.
Remember your Soul, which longs to be loved
Is a hero of truth, like an angel above.
So shine from your heart, choose what you adore.
All doors into love are rightfully yours.

©2012 Lisa Rafel

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